YSS Case Study Research
The Institute of Yoga Sports Science® is the only organization worldwide to actively research the benefits of using yoga to improve athletic performance and prevent injury.
All students in the YSS Advanced Yoga Sports Coach™ Course undertake Case Study Research as part of their qualification. They work closely with athletes from their field of interest, using research methods to access knowledge and help the athlete achieve their full potential.
Building Data on an Athlete: Case Study - Yoga Sports Coach™
Hayley Winter, founder of The Institute of Yoga Sports Science®, and Dr. Maggie Bunting, Head of YSS Research, have developed a unique tool for Yoga Sports Coaches™ to monitor their impact on athletic performance. Our YSS Log Book enables the trainee to easily collect and interpret data gathered from analysis, observation, and interviews. It is unique in Sport-Specific Yoga and invaluable when maximizing athletic performance.
Our index of Case Study research shows a sample of just some of our Yoga Sports Coaches™ who have made a positive impact on athletic performance since the inception of Yoga Sports Science® in 2009.