I am a Sports Massage Therapist and Feldenkrais Practitioner and over the last 12 years I have worked with amateur and elite athletes in Australia, South Africa and the USA. I have especially enjoyed working with endurance mountain bikers and triathletes.
With an understanding of the Yoga Sports Science® methodology, I believe that training movement first and then systematically building fitness on top of good movement will greatly reduce injuries and increase performance. I love introducing yoga to people as I know what a difference it has made in my life, especially as an athlete competing in cross-country mountain biking events and triathlons.
As athletes we cannot simply do more of our sport in the hope that we will continually improve, we cannot ignore the need for basic human movement patterns before trying to develop specialised fitness. Yoga Sport Science can add value to the quality of your training and help you to improve your athletic performance.
I have worked with athletes competing in the following events:
2013: Husky 100 - 100km mountain biking event, NSW, Australia.XC Age Group Event - UCI MTB World Championships, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa.Wine2Whales - Mountain Biking Stage Race, South Africa.
YSS Case Study Research: Cross-country mountain biking
Aim: To establish whether a sport-specific yoga programme could help a cross-country mountain biker improve their performance through improved endurance levels and faster recovery rates.
Subject: 28 year old female mountain biker who had been racing for 2 years.
Conclusion: A ten week sport-specific yoga intervention showed that the athlete’s performance improved in endurance mountain biking events. The athlete was able to build on her respiratory strength and improve her movement efficiency, which led to improved endurance on the bike and faster recovery after training sessions and races.
Other Specialism to offer: -
Sports Massage Therapist
Feldenkrais Practitioner
Thai Yoga Massage